Download Previous year Diploma Paper of Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem May 2019 Automobile Diploma Paper

Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem May 2019 Automobile Diploma Paper


Q1. Fill in the blanks. 5×1=5
a. Batch production is a ____________ type of production.
b. At breakeven point, profit is ___________
c. ___________ skilled labour is required in continuous production.
d. JIT stands for _______________-
e. Acceptance sampling is used in ____________________
Q2. Define the following. 5×2=10
i. planning
ii. mass production
iii. process control
iv. sampling inspection
v. direct labour cost


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

a. Explain the objectives of standardization.
b. What is the role of inspector in industry?
c. Write objectives of PPC.
d. Explain the procedure for process planning.
e. Explain the factors which affect the PPC.
f. Explain the various elements of cost in an industry.
g. Write advantages and disadvantages of continuous production


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

i. What is inspection? Explain the various types of inspection
ii. Explain the concept and importance of 5S Technique.
iii. What is production? Explain various types of production.
iv. What is productivity? What are the various factors affecting productivity.
v. Write short note on the following. (any two)
a. Concept of estimating
b. TQM
c. Forecasting

Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem May 2019 Automobile Diploma Paper

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Section a Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem May 2019 Automobile Diploma Paper

Batch production is a ____________ type of production.

Batch production is a ____________ type of production.

At breakeven point, profit is ___________

At breakeven point, profit is ___________

 ___________ skilled labour is required in continuous production.

 ___________ skilled labour is required in continuous production.

JIT stands for _______________

JIT stands for _______________

Acceptance sampling is used in ____________________

Acceptance sampling is used in _____________

Define the following.  i. planning

i. planning

ii. mass production

Mass production

iii. process control

Process control

iv. sampling inspection

Sampling inspection

v. direct labour cost

Direct labour cost

Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem May 2019 Diploma Paper  Click Here

Section B :Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem May 2019 Automobile Diploma Paper

Explain the objectives of standardization.

Objectives of standardization.

What is the role of inspector in industry?

Role of inspector in industry.

Write objectives of PPC. ?

Objectives of PPC.

Explain the procedure for process planning.

Procedure for process planning.

Explain the factors which affect the PPC.

Factors which affect the PPC.

Explain the various elements of cost in an industry.

Various elements of cost in an industry.

Write advantages and disadvantages of continuous production

Advantages and disadvantages of continuous production

Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem May 2019 Diploma Paper Click Here

Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem May 2019 Automobile Diploma Paper

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Section c :- Production Planning and Costing 6th Sem May 2019 Automobile Diploma Paper

What is inspection? Explain the various types of inspection

Inspection and various types of inspection

Explain the concept and importance of 5S Technique.

Concept and importance of 5S Technique.

What is production? Explain various types of production.

Production and  various types of production.

What is productivity? What are the various factors affecting productivity.

Productivity and  various factors affecting productivity.

vWrite short note on the following a. Concept of estimating

Concept of estimating

b. TQM


c. Forecasting


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